Saturday, October 20, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

The best part of the Christmas Season is spending precious quality time with your family and friends.

That time can be spent usually trying to set up the tree only to have it fall down and drown your carpeting with the water container below it.

It has happened to me several times, in fact one year of the real tree convinced me on the ease and convenience of an Artificial Christmas Tree. It got so bad that I had to tie the tree to the radiator because every morning I would awake to find the tree, the decorations, the needles, the water all over my thick beige carpeting. What a mess!!!

Every since that time I have had an Artificial Tree in my home and thankfully they never fall over and make a mess.

Artificial Trees are perfectly shaped and symetrical and most come as a PreLit Christmas tree or even Pre-Decorated Trees so you do not have the hassle of playing with that string of lights that are all tangled up on the floor in a ball.

The perfect Artificial Christmas Tree each year with its own storage box and is easily taken down and stored in that same box.

My friend Susan has had the same Artificial Tree for over fifteen years and says its a very durable tree that she enjoys and knows quickly how to set it up in her living room.

Artificial trees are fade resistent so they stay the same brilliant green color year after year and are flame retardant not like real Christmas trees which as they dry and have lights on them can become a fire hazard.

There are so many varieties of Artificial Christmas Trees that come in various heights from 5 feet, to 6 or 7 feet tall, and are Pre-Decorated Trees which I really enjoy the most. There is a selection of FiberOptic Christmas Trees and you can purchase the Artifiical Christmas Trees online. The most beautiful is the White Christmas tree with is soothing white color which seems to have a mystic quality surrounding it especially with the lights and decorations.
The thought of making memoriable moments with your family is much more rewarding with a
Pre-Decorated Artificial Tree that adds beauty and holiday cheer to your home in an instant.
This is one holiday investment you will never have to repeat or regret making year after year.

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